? ??????????????We could Be Dreaming? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??22 Grabs Today. 3268 Total Grab
s. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Blob Glowness? ????? ?? ???Rating: 0.0 (0 Ratings)??21 Grabs Today. 21 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Frien BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


jeng jeng jeng...behold the front cover of jay chou's latest album. named muo jie zuo which means capricorn, jay's horoscope. the release date is today 15th of October, and this date has been marked in my calender months ago. and i booked my album few weeks ago. woo-hoo talk about being a loyal fan. but i can't collect my album till this friday cause of lectures and studies. but nonetheless i shall persevere and wait patiently till friday comes. haha..can't wait!!

from the reviews online, the album seems awesome. so ppl if u r a fan of R&B, pop folk, ancient chinese, ballads, rock and so on..listen to jay chou..cause he's all about variety and time and time again the songs he produce is so good u might think he's the God of music. Everything he produces is quality of the highest order and listening to his songs keep me happy and upbeat. it's definitely going to keep me well sane as i tackle med school. and the songs teach us about life and not just about love like most artist would sing about. Keep up the good work jay!!

here's jay playing half joker and half magician..

merchandise when we pre-order...woohoo can't wait to get my hands on it

here's jay in cartoon!!

oh and here are the name of the tracks in his latest album.

1 龙骑战士 - Long Qi Zhan Shi (Dragon Warrior)
2 给我一首歌的时间 - Gei Wo Yi Shou Ge De Shi Jian (Give Me a Song's Time)
3 蛇舞 - She Wu (Snake Dance)
4 花海 - Hua Hai (Ocean of Flowers)
5 魔术先生 - Mo Shu Xian Shen (Mr.Magic)
6 说好的幸福呢 - Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne (Where's the Promised Happiness)
7 兰亭序 - Lan Ting Xu (Orchid Pavillion)
8 流浪诗人 - Liu Lang Shi Ren (Homeless Poet)
9 时光机 - Shi Guang Ji (Time Machine)
10 乔克叔叔 - Qiao Ke Shu Shu (Uncle Joker)
11 稻香 - Dao Xiang (Fragrant Rice)

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